It is not breaking news that it is vital to exercise your body, and Mt. A has done a fantastic job offering fitness facilities. The University has two gyms, one of which is on the ground floor of the student center and includes all the latest equipment. The second gym is situated next to the swimming pool on the ground floor of the Athletic Center. It is mostly athletes and students who use this gym, while staff and guests usually use the one in the student center.
The new Gym Buddies program encourages students to go to the gym with their friends, a comfortable companion, or a partner who can help them perform better. People frequently discover that they often prefer to go to the gym with a friend than to go alone.
The benefits of working out at the gym for your health are numerous. The chance of developing heart disease and stroke is decreased by regular exercise. You benefit cognitively and emotionally from it, given that it can be relaxing for people. Exercise releases endorphins, which reduce anxiety. Also, as you get stronger, your body becomes more effective at controlling cortisol levels. As a member of a gym, you have access to a ton of equipment, allowing you to change up your routine and keep it interesting.
Davante Rolle, a second year Aviation student, said she has mixed feelings about having gym buddies because they can be motivating or distracting. On a good week, she tries to go to the gym with her gym buddy three times a week, but when she’s busy, she only makes it once a week.
Rolle noted the benefits of having a gym buddy: “you are being held accountable for missing gym training and not pushing yourself to work hard in the gym.” Another benefit she mentioned is to “help with gym anxiety,” which is good for people that are shy or unsure of what to do in the gym. She added that “it makes exercising fun; you and your gym partner can interact and talk about other things while in the gym.”
On the other hand, the disadvantage of having a gym buddy is that “people start to compare themself and their gym performance to their gym buddy’s performance.”
Chinaza , a 4th year computer science student, said that having a gym buddy is like having an academic mentor and that it is a good way of getting used to the gym life. He stated that the gym at the University is good but needs a lot of replacements and repairs to be done. He concluded that the gym is easily accessible and open to everyone; no matter how full it is, there is always a spot for you.